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Found 22 results for any of the keywords the kgba. Time 0.006 seconds.
Board Members | King George Builders AssociationKGBA Board of Directors are elected by the members. Serving staggered two year terms, the Board works with the officers to make sure timely and pertinent information is made available for the KGBA membership.
Member Benefits | King George Builders AssociationKGBA members enjoy several benefits. Some of these benefits include an exhibitor-level booth at the King George Home Craft show, posting your business information on the KGBA website, the opportunity to network and ga
Events | King George Builders AssociationThe KGBA calendar is full of events you don’t want to miss. Please check back with us as we will continue to update with new events. Hope to see you at one or more of these exciting events.
About Us | King George Builders AssociationThe KGBA is a trade association whose members are licensed contractors, subcontractors and associated industry professionals, dedicated to participate in, or support, the building industry throughout the county and surro
Join KGBA | King George Builders AssociationAll members of KGBA are urged to attend the monthly dinner meetings. Not only are the meetings a time of fellowship great food, but we continue to have guest speakers to provide pertinent information and information so
King George Builders AssociationKing George Builders Association | Membership Organization for Builders, Contractors, and other Home Professionals
King George Builders AssociationKing George Builders Association | Membership Organization for Builders, Contractors, and other Home Professionals
Officers Directory | King George Builders AssociationKGBA President | KGBA Board of Directors
Calendar | King George Builders Association31st Annual King George Home Craft ShowMARCH 7th 9AM TO 4PMMARCH 8th- 11AM TO 3PM
Members Directory | King George Builders AssociationBrowse some of the best businesses in the area in our Members Directory. Members attend monthly meetings, help coordinate special events, and work diligently to improve the King George community. Looking for a specific t
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